Dairy #2

What is wrong with not attending classes? If you can understand everything by your own and you don’t need to ask a question, why the hell is attending classes required?

It is just a joke I often say to my friends that the reason why there is checking attendances in the class is because the professors were suck and there would be no one attending his class. I know it is a joke but I am a bit serious. I know the duty of a student is attending class. However, professors also have duties to keep classes informative and attractive to students.

Sometimes I regret to pick a section over other sections because my prof is so suck that I just wanna sleep in the class rather than attending it.

I dont feel bad for ditching classes as long as I understand everything in the class. Actually, if I understand the materials and I know my prof is suck, I will ditch my class and work on personal studying for sure.

For me or maybe it is just because I am so used to self-studying so I feel like I dont need professors unless I have some confusions.



Kien Mai (Kevin)

A Computer Science student writing about what I’m learning and what I’m doing ~